Monday, July 12, 2010

Goal #28: Postcard Memories

Aaaaaand - nine months after the blessed event, I have finally finished the photo album from our honeymoon. Goal #28 - done! All I really had do to was slide the photos in the slots and write the captions (I didn't have the patience to add more to my "photos to scrapbook" pile). Somehow though,  it still took me nine months to get around to completing it it. Oy.

Something we did to make our honeymoon album a little more personal was that we grabbed a postcard to represent each day of our trip and wrote a quick little summary about what we did that day on the back. This was Devin's idea and, I think, and great one. If you have a longer vacation that you want to remember, but don't have time to scrapbook or journal about each day, this is a great way to remember it! It's also a great way to bring back souvenirs because postcards are inexpensive and pack easily.

For our album, I copied the back sides of the postcards and placed both sides next to each other in the album so that they could be read without removing the postcard:

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love that postcard idea!!! I am so going to do that the next time I'm ever on a trip like that (in 10 years perhaps?). :)

    All I did for honeymoon memories was stick pictures in an album I bought while we were there. Better than nothing I guess!


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