Thursday, July 1, 2010

Halfway Through 2010

Well friends, we are officially (as of today at noon) halfway through the year 2010. Does this stun anyone else? Where did the time go??

Makes me think of a quote I read on a billboard once (please ignore the fact that the billboard was advertising beer) “You only live once. Make sure it’s enough.”

Regardless of its origin, that statement is very true. We are on this earth for such a short time and we get one chance to live life in the best way we can. We have struggles and conflicts, joys and triumphs, we have missed opportunities and ones we've made the most of. There is so much to gain and loose in this life - I pray that we are all choosing things that will bring true abundant life.

Life is indeed a vapor - let's make every day count.

Happy Half-way Day! 

Q4U-  What was your favorite part of 2010 so far? What did you learn? What are your hopes for the next half of 2010?

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